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Oct 1, 2020

Jenna Righi is a really dynamic person. Sure, she has a cool career, awesome social media presence and even an additional hustle that makes shiny things. The thing that really shines about Jenna though, is that all of this stuff is based on her desire to help elevate the people around her. 

Her day job, she helps startup companies find money. Certainly that's no easy task - but her other hustle is even cooler because Link Before You Sink helps people connect with each other. It's not just beautiful jewelry that the company ships, it's the chance to connect with a real life story of somebody else. 

In a world where social media likes are more important to people than handshakes, Jenna's business is seeking out private stories to share with other people. Guess what? It's created an incredible thing. You'll have to tune in to the episode to hear more - including some secrets about how she stays active and what her main personal focusses are. 

Episode Transcription

Chris Harris  00:06

What's up everybody? Thanks so much for tuning in. On today's episode of conventioNOT, we have a guest that wears many hats. Her name is Jenna Righi. She's a senior analyst at a startup company. She's a full time mental health advocate, and a full time jewelry creator and founder of link before you sink. Jen is what I call a vibrant personality. Her energy is contagious. And I mean that in a positive way. After five minutes with her, I feel like I could run a marathon. But that energy is fueled by her experiences, which include experiences of loss, pain, and finding hope. And that's where link before you sink comes into play. They may appear like a jewelry company on the surface, but it's much bigger than that. It's a support community, in a safe space for people like you and me to share our story. Enjoy the show.


Ryan McDevitt  01:07

We are recording now. Everybody can hear us. Look at that. That day. On conventioNOT. We have DJ scrilla and Jenna I don't even know if I could pronounce your last name is it rig he or rig he


Jenna Righi  01:25

close better than better than most it's Righi. So like our it's pronounced Rig-hi, but it's R-I-G-H-I, but it should be it looks like it would be our I-G-G-I.


Ryan McDevitt  01:37

It sounds like a good like Midwestern last name is like what I imagined when I see that you know when I see polish, or I don't know that you are Eastern European. But when I see those last names, I always think of Home sweet home. But Welcome to conventioNOT that Chris was excited to introduce you to us. And I feel like we when we first talked which we usually do before we get on the show. I get all excited and then I learned all about you. But it's never fair for me to explain who you are. Could you introduce yourself to our audience?


Jenna Righi  02:09

Yeah. Well, thank you so much for having me. And thanks, Chris, for the intro. So my name is Jenna. And I started link before you sink in. It was November 8 2018. So coming up higher on two years now. So it's basically a jewelry business that links or connects individuals going through similar struggles. So when you purchase a jewelry link, you receive an anonymous story of somebody going through a similar struggle and the whole purpose of it is you know, when you're in dark times to know that you're not alone.


Ryan McDevitt  02:40

Wow, that's quite a deep. What seems like side hustle or started as at least a side hustle for you.


Jenna Righi  02:47

It is for sure.


Ryan McDevitt  02:49

Yeah. Is this your first time into the e commerce slash jewelry slash? Like nonprofit?


Jenna Righi  02:58

Yeah, it is. So it's not a nonprofit. It's a for profit, but we donate back $5 for each link sold to one of our partnership nonprofits. So yeah, it's my first time in e commerce and the I started pretty much knowing nothing about jewelries which means I knew I knew nothing about metal and how metal can fade. I knew nothing about how to set up and like an e commerce store. So I pretty much taught myself and I mean still teaching myself every day.


Chris Harris  03:26

Well, you know what, I guess you don't know. But I don't wear jewelry on a regular basis, like ever.


Ryan McDevitt  03:32

But you don't if


Jenna Righi  03:33

Nope, I didn't know that either. I'll take that moment.


Chris Harris  03:37

Listen, I got your channel right now are rocking pretty much every day. Um, and it just means a lot to me knowing your story, and I kind of want to get into that. So maybe you can let our viewers know a little bit about how you got started. And really what is the meaning behind link before you think


Jenna Righi  03:58

Sure. So comes obviously from a personal experience of mine so it was 2000 may 2014. I was living in South Florida at the time I had a great job was engaged and then my I lost my father he was dying of lung cancer and he passed away in May so I honestly I think I feel like she had just kind of hit the fan after he passed away my engagement pretty much crumbled thereafter. And so I moved back I mean I was I had nothing in Florida really I didn't have any my support system was in Ohio and my family's from pa but I mean I had nothing really down sell for me to stay there and no reason to stay there. But I'd have a job I've always been self sufficient. I've always paid my own bills but I mean it comes to a point where you got to kind of put your mental health first. So I it was the craziest thing I've ever done I packed up my car with just whatever fit in it shift the rest later and I just I moved in I had nowhere to stay obviously because I had no house so I moved in with my friend and her husband, they took me in and I just pretty much respect In my life from there so the reason I obviously started, I know what it's like to be at rock bottom, I know what it's like to feel like, you know, you're not alone and like you're not going anywhere. So I mean, it developed over time, but I knew I, you know, when I hit that point that if I ever got back on my feet, which I obviously have that I would make it a mission to kind of help people to know that they're not alone. I had no idea at the time it would be through jewelry, but it kind of just paved the path from there. So it definitely, you know, it was a personal experience of the why of, you know, why it came about? Oh,


Chris Harris  05:35

this, that is, um, I think that's so impactful. You know, we talk about mental health now. And the The thing I like, about mental health, in that conversation is more people seem to be open to the conversation, more people seem to be vulnerable. And I feel like 10 years ago, we weren't talking about mental mental health


Jenna Righi  05:59

hundred percent.


Chris Harris  06:01

How have you seen, I guess, your perception with mental health change since you started this company?


Jenna Righi  06:08

I mean, so much, and that, I mean, it's not even been two years now. And it's funny to watch funny is not the right word, but I have like a macho boss, and like, I know, macho people. And it's crazy to me, as soon as you let your guard down a little bit, or say like, uh, you know, as soon as I opened up about my story, I feel like the floodgates just came in of, you know, Oh, my gosh, I never told you this, I saw a therapist or I had an eating disorder, I had this. And I think that's how it kind of came about. It's like, wow, the power of vulnerability really is so powerful. It's just not talked about it was kind of like shamed on back in the day, it was a sign of weakness, maybe. And now it's something that everybody's talking about. So I mean, the past two years alone, I mean, so many people have I get DMS and even if they're not willing to come out publicly, now, it me, I save every thing that somebody sends me and put it in a folder. So when I'm having a bad day, or COVID hits and sales are down, I reread everything. And remember, that's why I started it. But yeah, it's definitely really powerful how mental health has totally changed perception in the past couple years. And that's actually why I partnership with Nationwide Children's, they have a whole behavioral health facility that Big Lots helped fund it, I got a tour of it, and it's just that would not have existed, you know, five years ago, let alone 10. So it's just, it's really cool. How mental health is transforming that it's something that is the normal now and it's talked about, and it's okay to talk about your issues or your struggles that you're having, where before it was just kind of tucked under the rug. And as we know, and things are tucked under the rug there, you know, it gets buried, and it obviously makes it worse. Wow.


Ryan McDevitt  07:49

Well, I think I think there's a lot of things that are unique about what you're doing, right. So like, the first thing is is like just to start a website, and to get people to like, go there and buy whatever those wares are, is I'm sure complex in its own right. But it seems to me that like one of the ways that it's kind of shocking to you, at least now two years later, that the community was created around it. And so it's cool to be able to hear you loft into the side of you know, being able to you know, escalate your engagement with those communities, especially what you explained with like your day job versus this this kind of environment. But were there some challenges, I mean, whether it be in the production and design, your design is really simple, which I think could be something that you talk about, especially with the way that you utilize the chains. And you know, some of the other patents I think are really unique, especially as I could imagine that community building you just talked about, but like, you just end up with a website 24 months later, like oh my god now I'm smiling here, committed to the game, right? Like how did it happen? I mean, how did it come about? Well, two


Jenna Righi  09:00

parts I'll definitely talk about my failures because there was a lot of struggles and you know, hiccups along the way but the so I remember my friends when I first moved back I'd be that nerd in the pool. I felt like I was not always wired like a traditional female I guess you could say like it was like oh just go to your to your day job and leave and maybe marry a rich dude and have kids and that's what life is and I felt like I was always wired a little bit differently like there's like more passionate like there's got to be something more and I was always that person that was like we will be at the pool like highlighting like the self help books or like you know the passionate books about career and things that you can do to help people so I mean in that was even you know, years before I hit that struggle I was always wired to kind of want to help people this just kind of you know, obviously forced me to do that but so the why was always there and I remember like rock bottom, you know, where you can't get up and you're driving back like with no radio on no music on thinking where the What am I going to explain to people I mean, I remember saying like, if they're Ever a way that I could figure a way out I don't be shy Don't be I've always been bullheaded, I was always one of those people that never opened up never shared any kind of struggle that I had, I promised myself that I would give that back if I ever found my way. So the passion was there. And then the the story is just, it's very bizarre. And everyone's like, I don't get it, you just stumbled across a random bike chain, I did. So I was riding my bike, the chain fell off, piste off, you know, fallen over, I look at it, and it was just kind of like hit me. Like it was broken. And it like that It hit me like, okay, everything broken, I'm right in thinking, again, everything broken, has the chance to be beautiful. And then I just started like, I've always been a creative too. So I started taking apart the chain, you know, thinking that this can't be made into jewelry, because it'll look too gaudy. You know, like big, chunky chains. And then I realized you take it apart, there's little charms that you can make out of it where it's not. So it's more dainty, like the flat ones dainty. So when you break apart a chain, it's like a flat, a double A flat, a double. And then it kind of escalated from there. But I guess the why was always there. It's just the I never thought I remembered would think and because I had a notebook like, you know, I had a million ideas before. Like, what if I did a workout class and we talked about our vulnerabilities or what if I did this, and it nothing ever fit until for some reason, that chain fell off the bike. And it was just one of those aha moments. Like, I think I can make something out of this broken piece here. And then the, you know, the why kind of all fell into place from there. So that's kind of how it started.


Ryan McDevitt  11:31



Chris Harris  11:33

I mean, that is so cool. I think that's what's amazing with how we sort of just find our way with what we're kind of supposed to do. And I talked to Ryan and Mike a lot about this with music, you know, I make these songs for TV and film. But that's not really what I had planned on doing. When I got into music. I just sort of found my way. And it sounds like that's kind of what happened with you as well.


Jenna Righi  11:59

Isn't it nuts? I never. And then you have down days. And I'm thinking what am I doing making jewelry, I didn't go to school to design jewelry, I have no business, I don't know about metals, and you just you, you teach yourself you learn things, and you just it kind of just paves your way, I would have never thought I would have ended up here, you know, five years ago, for sure. But you just kind of find your way.


Ryan McDevitt  12:19

I was a little bit surprised, actually, when I checked out your LinkedIn because I don't remember what the order was when we communicated before but I know that Kent State has such a strong fashion design program. And like, I guess I just kind of assumed that like that was most of your your path. Right. Especially with you know, Chris knows all the homies I'm sure from all the different schools. Yes, you know, but, but ultimately, right? I mean, it's really a famed program there. And so it's kind of cool to see somebody, I always think it's cool to see somebody be able to indulge their creative habits, like as a side hustle. Because a creative career is tough in a lot of ways. And you know, I think with a lot of the avenues that we're able to explore those creative things, whether it be for profit or for not, or whether it's something that's really cool, like what I think you do, which is partnering with charity, I think that kind of helps close the gap for for what creative desire really leads to, but like, I think it's it's a lot more beneficial in sometimes a little bit less risky. I mean, both you guys do this, right? Like you you have your regular professional career, and then you're able to indulge in those creative components that way outside of it. Now, both of you, I know, you treat it as a side hustle, right? But are there other things in your life that you're involved with Jenna, that that aren't like, you know, side hustle oriented with link before you sink? I mean, do you get to go and you know, experience things? Do you get to talk in front of any of the charities that you've donated to or anything like that to really affect the people who are suffering from these things on that other dynamic?


Jenna Righi  14:05

Yeah, well, it's been kind of tough, obviously with COVID. But with nationwide children, there's brunches and again, when she when you talk to these people, and they say hey, you know, I got a story of this of Steve and he went through what I mean that's everything. That's what we're about and that I could really connected with that story. And I have it on my fridge. It's like that, that that means everything to me. But we do a lot of events again, not necessarily recently with with COVID and what's going on but Cleveland Clinic does a lot of events too. They do bike Vela Sona, which is right up my alley, because it's a bike race for cancer. So we usually set out a booth there. Everybody comes over and then you get to talk to these people one on one that you know are affected by cancer. Their family was affected by cancer. They buy stuff they you know, they read my stories that that's everything to me when you get to meet these people. You know, one on one, we've done another Cleveland Clinic event. It was a was another cancer related event that was an indoor event around October. I'm still waiting to see if we have that one or not. I hope we do. But yeah, we it's communicating with these people one on one and meeting them. I mean, that's, that's everything. But we do a ton of different types of events. And I'm always open to, obviously more events. But it's not just a submission of the story on the website. No, no, no, no, it's not about a person. The other thing that I like to make very clear with like, the stories and the categories, it's like, it's it was a very fine line, because I hate to categorize anybody who likes to be categorized. So I always like to, I want somebody to connect with something similar. And actually, Chris, I just saw that you you bought a link. And it's discrimination. It's like that can mean so many different things with story that I actually sent you and all senate It was about a Muslim that had been obviously discriminated on. I mean, no two stories are ever going to be exactly the same. And I always make it clear that the category isn't there to define you. It's just necessarily meant there to link we're always adding on but I always make it clear that we don't really pigeonhole it's like, you know, loss of a loved one could mean a couple different things. But the whole purpose of it is to connect Yes, with people going through similar struggles. But to realize that you all you have that, you know, connection, even though your story might be a little bit different.


Chris Harris  16:17

I love that concept about your product, when you not only get this awesome link, but you get this story that comes with it. And I just want to know, from your perspective, what is it like when you're getting all these stories sent to you? Is it ever too much? I mean, do you ever feel like you know, you're absorbing a lot of that, that energy? Tell me about that process?


Jenna Righi  16:40

Yeah, I am. And it is, it's a lot and I have days, you know, where I like constantly reading and totally affected actually before right before this call. A friend from high school just connected me with her friend from college. Hey, I want to connect you with my friend Michelle. She just I saw that you posted a childhood cancer story yesterday was a two and a half diet currently diagnosed with cancer. And she said my friend Michelle just lost her four year old who was just diagnosed with cancer, and I was just chatting with her before I'm gonna send her a link obviously, for free. But yeah, that takes a lot on your day. But at the end of the day, I mean, yeah, it's it is impactful to know that you're kind of helping people. But yeah, it does take a toll on you. That's for sure. hearing all these stories, seeing all these struggles, it's, it's not and that's over, you know, obviously for protection and privacy purposes. That is why we only share by like, Jenna, Ohio, or just first name and state to keep it somewhat private there, obviously.


Mike Sinnott  17:45

Hey, what's up everybody? It's Mike from the show. No, I'm not here to pester you or ask you to do anything for us. I honestly just want to reach out and say, Hi, I hope everybody's doing all right. I know I'm personally hanging in there. There's some ups and downs, right? We're all doing this. We're all in this. All of us. Never been able to really sincerely, honestly say that before. But every human on this planet is going through it right now. And if you're not too far down, then lift someone else up. We all need it. Today may be your good day, but it's someone else's bad day. Spread the love people, it may be all we have.


Chris Harris  18:37

I really appreciate you being so open and vulnerable. Something you mentioned earlier, when you were talking you talked about having down days, right? I mean, and I think that is something that you know, a lot of times we don't think about that you know people have a look at your website is so you know clean is so awesome. But you know, yeah, you're human. You have down days too. I want to know like, what a down day might look like for you. And what do you do to get out of a down day? Like what do you do for self care?


Jenna Righi  19:07

Yep. So Jen, and everybody's different some people it's yoga some people it's a pet sight I mean I don't know but for me, it's the gym and people are always like I don't understand why you go to the gym take a day off and I do here and there but it that is my like anxiety medicine is just letting it all out loud. hip hop music on the treadmill and going to the gym. That's how I start my day. Taking a break, you know i am i'm i'm one that gets like when I'm on my computer on the phone. I'm just kind of go go go go go when I'm having that round way. I shut my laptop, take a walk


Ryan McDevitt  19:42

What are you doing during COVID? Weren't you?


Jenna Righi  19:48

Yeah, so I've been going to orange theory. So that's what I've been doing. I mean, well, I live downtown Columbus too. So I get on the Oakland tangi trail and I go around the stadium that's what I did when nothing was open. I would just kind of luck You know, it wasn't snowing during COVID. But I would I would work out outside and go running around this the Ohio State stadium a lot. But now what a theory.


Ryan McDevitt  20:11

I guess I didn't realize that gyms so gyms in Georgia never closed.


Jenna Righi  20:14

They didn't I didn't know that.


Ryan McDevitt  20:16

Wow. I mean, it was up to the individual owner and there are some things. That means so Anna had a little bit greater restriction and then the governor of Georgia sued the city of Atlanta to open the businesses. Wow, interesting. It's just a different it's a different thing, which is a whole different discussion. Not not what this show is about. Let's not well, yeah. Yeah, for sure. For sure. So you didn't mention cycling. I mean, so like was that the last day you cycled? You just broke that chain down and threw your bike out?


Jenna Righi  20:49

So I ran, you're running. It's funny that you say that actually, because I get like, Oh, you must be an avid biker. Like I actually prefer running over cycling. Cycling is something I do with my boyfriend and his daughter. Like we do that all together. But when it's just me, I usually go running. So I definitely do both. But I for cycling, we kind of do that. And that's more like casual because we have a 60 year old behind us. But what I'm like in my mood to like burn off steam. I'm sprinting. Okay.


Ryan McDevitt  21:17

scrilla do you ride a bike? never asked that. You got a bike?


Chris Harris  21:19

Man. I don't have a bike. I haven't been on a bike and at least 20 years. Seriously. It's been a long 20 years. 20 years. roller skates even longer. That's a whole other story. Yeah, bro.


Ryan McDevitt  21:36

How do you live in such a flat city and like avoid a bike for so long? Are you like


Chris Harris  21:41

being lame? That's a just


Ryan McDevitt  21:42

a lot. Okay. Not even like the ones where you put your credit card in and it's like, oh, you're out with all your friends and shit. If you ever tried the bird, the what


Chris Harris  21:50

was the bird? scooter? Oh, the loose? All those things I had just laying around downtown those things. Yeah, you know, never been on one of those. So see dangerous? Yeah, yeah. Maybe I'll try one bike before I try the bird for sure. So, you know, I'm curious. You mentioned the, you know, you listen to some hip hop music. what's what's on your playlist? Like when you get it? Yeah. Cuz,


Jenna Righi  22:15

like, like, hip hop. I mean, I just usually put like a station on but anything that's pretty ratchet as I was


Chris Harris  22:23

just gonna say it's got to be ratchet.


Jenna Righi  22:25

Yeah, it's so ratchet. That's everything that's ratchets up my alley. So yeah, that's, I mean, I don't like have like, I have a playlist I usually just honestly go to like, anything that's at the top of my Spotify, because obviously it knows you. So I just click that. And it's I'm usually good to go. Is it like current ratchet?


Ryan McDevitt  22:41

Like, like, trap music?


Jenna Righi  22:53

Loud and ratchet? Yeah.


Chris Harris  22:56

That's why she's running full sprints. Yeah. wretched music. Man.


Ryan McDevitt  23:04

All right. So you know, most people come out and they talk about what they're doing. Let's talk about your day job or like your career most moreso. Like, we, we don't talk very much about like, you know what you're doing right now. We certainly like to give our guests an opportunity to promote it. But certainly you don't get to a spot where you're able to launch like such a successful connective business without doing the full time hustle on the front. So how does that work for you? Or how have you treated your career? Since you guys were breaking it down with the house parties? Back in, I guess, the early 2000s that was Yeah, sure.


Chris Harris  23:39



Jenna Righi  23:41

Yeah. So basically, what I do is I help startup companies and everyone's like, Oh, you that's how you started link before you think and it's like, actually, that's not really how it happened. I think it honestly gave me kind of the the encouragement and the motivation, because we sit there every idea under the sun. So So basically, what I do is companies that want to start a business they come to us and you know, we help them with like business planning or launching or helping them find investors, should they have you know, the traction or should it make sense? So, yeah, I mean, it kind of that's kinda I guess, I do have somewhat of a background obviously, in startups, not ecommerce or anything. But I think to be honest with you, it gave me a little bit more motivation like hey, of these people that just spun up this idea yesterday, can can do this then. So could I you know what, I mean, I'll figure it out. I don't know anything about metals. I don't know anything about, you know, e commerce. I've never set up. I'm not a techie, you know, so no, it just kind of gave me that motivation. Like if they can do it then so can I everything is figure out.


Ryan McDevitt  24:37

Is it an incubator, like, are you localized in the Columbus area primarily or do you?


Jenna Righi  24:45

Yeah, so it's called It's kind of like a one stop shop. So our funding platform, it's a reg D site, so it's accredited investors. So it's a reg D crowdfunding site, but it's not considered like an accelerator incubator. It's a reg D crowd. funding. So basically what we do is we, you know, pretty up the deal we do the marketing, we do like help clients find the investor, but we're not a broker dealer. So we can't make that intro we do everything we can i quarterly explain it as the client tells us who they want to go on a date with. They, we book them that ideal candidate, their profile, we give them the makeover, we booked the reservation, but they are the one going on the date, so to speak. So, you know, we talked to some really cool companies too, because people use us, obviously, that need a little bit more of the education, but also that just are looking to kind of take time off of their plate as well. So we talk with companies that have done four and five rounds of funding, and then all their companies that, you know, this is their initial round of funding. So it's kind of all across the board. It's interesting. It's different


Ryan McDevitt  25:41

in a good sense. I think that, you know, it seems like the funding game, especially though, the way that it's complicated from accepting the role, versus what you sign over for, you know, accepting the the event, the cash event, I think that that's really something that sounds like it's, it's got to be needed. So it's when you say crowdfunding, is it selective by user? Or do you buy into like a community of sort? Like, can I go in and investigate which projects that you guys have approved to fund?


Jenna Righi  26:14

It's rigged? So if you are reggae Plus, you could technically because it's not accredited investors, anybody can be investor, ours are as the same guidelines as the SEC. So you do have to be an accredited investor to view any of the deals on fundable. Okay.


Ryan McDevitt  26:28

Yeah. Okay. That makes good sense. Yep.


Chris Harris  26:32

What kind of, I guess skills and tools have you learned from your nine to five that you transfer over to link before you sink? And that's one question. And the other thing is, do you consider, you know, Link before you sink a side hustle? Or do you consider it like another full time job? I'm curious.


Jenna Righi  26:49

That's actually a great question. So yeah, I've learned a lot actually. And again, it's not necessarily like the business dynamics, it's, it's kind of like failure, like, I see these crazy companies that are crazy entrepreneurs, that I am going to raise $20 million. Like, they're not, if you're thinking about something, in my opinion, that you're just driven by money, it almost will always fail, because you're just chasing the dollar sign at the end of the day. So I mean, I sit talking to these, like, sometimes crazy people, and sometimes really cool people. That is definitely one thing, it's taught me that it takes time you have your heart's gotta be in something because you will run into hiccups down the road. And, you know, that's what's gonna keep you going forward. But if you're just money, I see that and, you know, the friends that I have that are consistent job hoppers. I mean, you know what I mean, if you're always just chasing the dollar sign you, you're gonna end up spinning your wheels always. So I mean, I learned stuff like that, from talking to entrepreneurs. And, you know, in other organizations, or I guess other companies that are a little bit more established. I mean, sure, I learned things from from them as well, like, just, you know, marketing tricks, just simple things that they're doing. I pick up on little things like that. But to be honest with you, I think I have learned more from the people that are a little bit crazier. It's like, okay, I would not do that. So, you know, I understand why they're not working or why they're spinning their wheels, you know, I guess I think I've honestly learned more from from those type of people. And then link, I do consider it my full time. I mean, I I've always said from the get go, and I feel like I'm gonna have my eggs in multiple baskets, because I like to do multiple things. So I mean, I look at them both as honestly two full time jobs. Like I have a list for stuff I need to do for link for the day. And I have a list that I need to do for startups. com at the end of the day, and I don't go to bed until they're both done. It's not like I'm working nine to six and then oh, like, order comes in, then I'll fill it. It's, you know, I always look at both of them, I would say as full time jobs.


Chris Harris  28:53

Yeah, I like that. And it sounds like it. I mean, it sounds like you're involved in so many different things. It sounds like another full time job. One of the one of the things me and Ryan talk about a lot and I think we're the same is like we're Workaholics. So are you? Are you a workaholic? Oh, yeah,


Jenna Righi  29:09

yeah, that's what I always say when back in the day when I was reading those books and so can you just chill or Can't you just nine to five close down and I just felt like I just never shut down and it wasn't like again, it wasn't like I was chasing more money. I was just chasing more passionate things or like, I want to do this and then I want to do this. But I also like this. I felt like I was always kind of a renaissance soul and I liked a million different things. So yeah, sometimes it's too much sometimes I need to put the brakes on a little bit but I'm definitely a workaholic. I like going full speed. Just like my runs.


Ryan McDevitt  29:42

Be like i don't i don't really consider you know, a Holic perv. Like kind of implies it's a negative thing, right? So like, I'm sure that I know there are a lot of things that I've given up in my life because I work a certain way. But one of the things I think, that I learned like early on is that I don't classify the things that I do, excuse me, in the subjects of like a job or not a job. It's like, this is what I really identify with what you said, Jenna, that, like, this is what I'm going to do today. And a lot of those tasks, and some of those are projects. And so like, that's a crazy kind of thing that I've gone through over the years of like, you know, do I have a notebook? Do I have a moleskin? Do I have an iPhone? Do I have you know, any of the media that you could possibly imagine? Yeah, pom pom pilot to even date myself. But like, at the end of the day, I think that, you know, the workaholic thing I always just kind of like have a little bit of a tough time with because usually when somebody's saying that to me, I know you don't mean this, Chris. But usually when they're saying that, to me, they're saying that because they're like, implying something. Yeah, they're implying that I'm losing something, because my things that I choose to do have more to do with, like, things that produce money. I'm not like a wealthy person. Like I assume I'll retire probably in somewhere in the middle class, right? You know, but like, at the end of the day, I never the same way that I get up and I train every morning or meditate every morning. I want to accomplish those tasks in like, I've left a lot of jobs before my whole career has been startup. And so like I've left organizations before, because I just don't enjoy doing it anymore. Right. All right. even lose cash to a certain extent. Yeah. You know, quite specifically in a couple different decisions.


Jenna Righi  31:31

Yeah. And it's I mean, if you're not challenged by so that's me anyways, like, yeah, your passion has to be there. But if you're not challenged, you know, continually for me, it's just like, I just can't stay in something like that. I'm so


Ryan McDevitt  31:42

empty. Yeah, I don't have the effort to to give, which I think is unique when somebody experiences me in both things, right. Like, how could I seriously not give a fuck? Yeah, like, after caring so much for so long. It's just like a weird chemistry thing for me. But it has it has to do with work shows not about me.


Jenna Righi  32:03

I totally buy with that. Same way for sure.


Chris Harris  32:08

So, okay, I was gonna say what motivates you, or like, what gets you excited? When it comes to work?


Jenna Righi  32:17

Honestly, it's always been like helping people. Like I always thought, like, I go into like a health care profession. Because I that's what motivates me. Like, when I'm having bummed days, or when I'm having a bad day, I'm telling you, I like on the corn ball, somebody will send me a text, like, I just got this message from my friend that got your link like, that just makes me want to keep going that those whenever I know that I help people even work friends, you know, they send me a text like that is what just keeps me going when I know that I'm helping somebody and making an impact on their life. I mean, that's just to me, I've always been wired like that. I like helping people. And that's just makes me feel fulfilled, I guess you would say, even though it's like in a different way, like, I don't wanna say, Oh, I'm helping people with my jewelry. But you know what I mean, I feel like those little tiny things that happen in your day, or one person saying one positive thing, that's what keeps me fulfilled.


Ryan McDevitt  33:08

Any point? Do you start to pinpoint where you develop that? I mean, like, if you think about, you know, just commonly, like, we develop what we want to do usually in childhood. I mean, did you observe somebody in your life? Or were you helped? I mean, the story about the the the bike thing is awesome. But right, like you were an adult, then. I mean, did it? Did it start at birth, like,


Jenna Righi  33:35

I don't know, I've always been a creative, the creative was there at birth, I think, as I got my parents were divorced. And it's, it's interesting. Now, I didn't tell anybody, I didn't tell any of my friends, my friends found out from their mothers that my parents were getting divorced, like, I was very, very closed off very, because it was like, I was strong and stubborn. Like, I was not one that would sit here on a podcast and talk about my vulnerabilities, by any way, shape or form. So the creativity was there, but I think it kind of unraveled over time. And then, you know, then I talked to a friend that her parents were going divorce when we were in college, or I already went through that and just, you know, then connecting with people like that, I think over time, that is, I think over it kind of unraveled, you know, over the years, to be honest with you that


Ryan McDevitt  34:21

to realize it from like real, like applique like I helped her through that same thing, like you know, that makes us better friends for for that what a cool thing to end up in. I mean, I know it's not it's certainly by design but what what a cool spot and a cool way to display that creativity and that help in the same time.


Jenna Righi  34:40

Yeah, I remember to like I was writing like when I was thinking of these ideas like workout hit from the heart and we'll talk about her burn the bill like I mean, I have a five notebooks of just a doodler of stuff like ideas. But I remember drawing like our circle like I've all my friends and I'm like Angie lost her dad that we've connected like that. My friend Stephanie, bad anxiety we've connected with Like that back in the day, my parents got divorced, I stopped eating for two weeks. And then it was like, oh, wow, you look really skinny. And then that I mean was, you know, I wouldn't say an eating disorder, but body image issues. And, you know, I have a friend like that. And we connected. So I had this big diagram with, like, all of my friends sticking out of it, and all the ways that we connected and it's like, wow, like, you know, that's kind of how it developed to it's like, Wow, it really is crazy, like, the connection that you see within, like people and that nobody else can ever have that or fully understand that if they haven't been through it. And actually, I was listening to your last podcast with was it Chris? The guy that had the addiction problems? Yeah. So your brother was an addict? I mean, you know what I mean, Chris, and your brother will always have that bond that no one else will fully understand. Because they went through. isn't here brother sponsor? I think I think he was.


Ryan McDevitt  35:50

It's Mike's brother. But


Jenna Righi  35:52

yeah, my brother. Yeah. So I'm listening to that, like, well, if they have that connection, or that bond that no one else will fully understand. Because they went through that similar thing. They have that in common, you know?


Ryan McDevitt  36:12

Hey, thanks for taking time to listen to Mike and I Today, I wanted to talk to you just for one second about reviewing the podcast. It really, really helps us out. And it places higher on search engines, as well as the other podcast channels that publish our show. So if you listen to conventioNOT up, you dig what you hear, take a second go out, give us five stars, give us a few kind words, or just real words, whatever the hell you want to say, out there on the review channel of your podcast show.


Chris Harris  36:45

You like i'd love it like everything you're putting down right now. And one thing I noticed, and this is not about me, but just to give us some context. Yeah, is this past year, I've been paying a lot more attention to like energy, and the energy, I absorb the energy that I give off. And I realize like I'm an empath, because there could be some times where I am so overwhelmed. By you know, even positive feedback. Sometimes you go on social media, sometimes it can just be so much and I get the sense that you might be an empath, too. So a Are you an empath, and be how do you deal with so much emotion that's being thrown your way?


Jenna Righi  37:26

Well, that's actually interesting, when you say, Are you an impact, and this I've always had, like, very, this is a negative of me very high goals, very on sometimes unrealistic goals. And I'm thinking, you know, if I can't help everyone, I'm failing. And then I read a quote, like a couple of months ago, and it was, you know, helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for that one person. So like, that's what I hang on to you now. So to me, that is impact. But before it was like, you know, you kind of feel like a failure when you you aren't helping everyone or you get one the negative response. And it's like, you can't hang on to that energy. You gotta, you got to keep moving. I remember my launch day, I'm super open book. We sold a ton of stuff, it was the best I was on cloud nine, the best results and somebody sent me an email the next day that said, hey, my necklace broke, can I get a new one? And I can tell you guys I couldn't even get out of bed for like, the entire weekend. And it's like, Alright, get up fix fix the you know, first round I'm on version like for now, fix the necklace, make it right and move on with your day, you just sold hundreds of units at your, your launch party, you know, why are you gonna focus on who's, you know, broken jumpring that that popped off. So it's like, I'm very, very hard on myself. But that quote of you know, helping one person maybe sometimes that's, that's what it's all about. That's what I hang on to when it comes to like impact now, it's not necessarily about everyone, you can't unfortunately, you can't ever fix everyone, you can't help everyone there's always going to be discrimination and loss and you know, problems in the world, but it's just as long as you're doing what you can and maybe it's sometimes just helping that one person that needs it. That's that's really what I hang on to now. So yeah, that's what I that's how I look at impact now, but I didn't always used to look at it like that. So I forget, I forget the second part of your question. I'm sorry.


Chris Harris  39:16

Well, yeah, it was, you know, if you how do you kind of deal with getting all these emotions from everyone? You know, I don't even know. I think your social media is like phenomenal. But how do you feel? How do you feel about when you receive all that feedback? And I mean, what role does social media play in your life?


Jenna Righi  39:36

It's funny that you say that too. Because I was never on social media. I got rid of Facebook before I started link and I emailed them I'm like, okay to have a business page you have to have a personal account and you do so I was never really because i'm not i'm very humble and very behind the scenes I don't like to brag or I was I was just never one that was big into social media originally. You have to get into it. Obviously you to make an impact. Now, you know, So that took a little bit of adjusting that was a, you know, not a comfort zone for me at first. But again, it feels great. And now, because I'm always wired again to think bigger, and I'm very hard on myself, I seriously take screenshots of one positive comment and I have it in a folder. It says just for Jenna positive to read down, that's what I just keep focusing on when I'm having a bad day to get my mindset back. It's like, okay, you know, you get one negative by which to be honest with you, I mean, I get a ton of positive response, I really don't get much negative response at all. But what it's more for me, like, when I'm down on myself, more something goes wrong, then I'm constantly reading that those positive affirmations that, you know, other people are writing to me. And I mean, going back a little step back to when you're talking about failures. I mean, I just thought, all right, I'm gonna break down this chain and put a logo on it, and I'm gonna sell some stuff. I did not realize that, you know, a mid million hiccups along the way, like, first off, trying to sell because, and I met with a metal specialist after this. And he was basically saying, hey, you're trying to sell an industrial product, and turn it into jewelry, like it can't work. And I'm like, well, it can work and I'm going to make it work, I would set these links in like bleach for a month for a rubbing alcohol, nothing would happen, no fading, I put it on the skin, and it would turn like green. I mean, just things like that, that you don't think about it. So it took me like six months to figure out how to play it correctly, where it wouldn't rub off, you know, on the skin. It's just those type of things that you know, you have to be ready for. But so I guess you know, when I'm in those type of settings, or you know, I get a printer breaks or something like that. Those are when I go back and I read the Why are you doing this just for Jenna, and I'm really reading all these positive response that it's like, okay, go get the printer fixed. Figure out the plating, your engraver broke. I mean, those are the things that get me through those type of hiccups throughout my day, for sure.


Chris Harris  41:59

So cool. What's man? Like, what's what's next?


Jenna Righi  42:04

Well, we obviously have a bunch more skews coming, and I'm waiting to get them back from my photographer. Um, but what I would love to do down the road. So obviously, more skews are always coming, I always want to come out I'd like eventually like it like a jewelry brand where, you know, again, that's why our skews are so small. Now it took me almost a year to figure out the initial links with all the plating and so it didn't rub off. And so it stayed on for months, you know what I mean. But now that we got that nailed, it's definitely adding more skews. But I would love to do something with the stories, like have like a card deck, or I'd eventually like to have like a book or like a chicken soup of the soul or whatever. Because I also did that like when they share a story of yours just signing off on the terms of service that we could use it for purposes like that. And I mean, again, it's just by first name and state, but I would love to do something with a book or like a picture deck or something like that, or even like, but definitely something more on the mental health side with the stories and helping people that way. So the jewelry is there. We're getting that nailed down, adding more skews. But as far as like the stories in the more mental health side, I would love to do that. For sure.


Ryan McDevitt  43:12

I feel like you're in the way that you motivate yourself, which is you know, referring back to things and kind of like embodying embodying energy, the chart you have a card deck would be spot on. I think it's like it's hot right now. You could probably work with an artist that would be able to embody your brand pretty well. Yeah. There's


Jenna Righi  43:31

somebody that wrote a book, so maybe they could Yeah, that's true.


Ryan McDevitt  43:36

It could be anything major. Major. I got the website. to any regard though, I think if Are you familiar with Kim Kranz? You know who that is, she's created a bunch of decks. Yeah. Yeah, Kim green so she has created in writes about emotion and maybe her stuff leads a little bit more towards spirituality than support. But I think that like the subjects are really closely linked and so hearing about the way that you choose to enlighten yourself by again like picking something that's like hey look like today, if you could just make it through today in the right way, then there are there there are people that are cheering for you. A lot of times they'll decks so to speak, and you know, depending on how you want to incorporate your stories I feel like these decks are really like daily motivational that way or when you're down you know, pulling a card out of a deck and saying like, you know, I'm just gonna I'm going to read some guidance from this very simple thing. And I think like a lot of times that's a little easier for people to interpret then you know, such a religious or spiritual type interaction for like what's happening today, you know, so I'd be in support of that. I'll order one of those. I got myself a necklace. Or Anna ordered a couple necklaces earlier for us. I'm excited to have you here


Jenna Righi  44:49

the best the I his wife ordered necklaces. That's so sweet. You did not have to do that.


Ryan McDevitt  44:54

What do you guys golden flashes. She likes that gold. She got golden flash low. Yeah for the golden flashes.


Chris Harris  45:01

That's right, man.


Ryan McDevitt  45:03

All right, well, you didn't tell us much about I know you probably got something else on there. That's, that's, that's what's next, right. But I do want to give you a chance to kind of like promote if I want to like sign up for the site. Or if I want to get on an email list, or I want to follow you on Instagram or any of those things that I think are motivational. It's not just about like ordering yourself a piece of jewelry, even though it might be that because I think the pricing is right. The other thing that I always like is products like that, where the pricing is right to send it to somebody else. Yeah, right. Like something where it's like, oh, man, like, this isn't a big deal to buy to somebody else. I think Jenna's products are definitely within that line, too. But like, how do I get to your stuff? And how do I find you? How do I how do I connect with you?


Jenna Righi  45:44

Yeah, the site is just link before you I always make it clear to Yes, we sell jewelry, but you can go on there, it doesn't have to work, buy a piece of jewelry, get a story and then share. I mean, I always say you could just go on there and share your story. You don't have to buy a piece of jewelry to share your story. So the site is just linked before you and then our Instagram is just at link before you and we also have a fake Facebook page. Just link before you sink as well.


Ryan McDevitt  46:13

No Twitter,


Jenna Righi  46:14

no Twitter, no Twitter, social media originally and maybe I'll maybe I'll get there someday.


Ryan McDevitt  46:21

My prediction is Twitter's not going to be around much longer. I feel like almost every now every person we talked to like Twitter's just not.


Chris Harris  46:29

It's all about ties it ruined Twitter and now Yeah,


Jenna Righi  46:32

but President, Twitter all about ID.


Ryan McDevitt  46:36

It is about Igy It is about Igy Well, we're at conventioNOT not underscore podcast if you're not following by now. I hope you take a second to go out to Jenna's pages. I think this is this is something that's really unique and it's a cool way to support things. It really is with intention and stop ordering jewelry and shit off Amazon anyway. Right? Right like like really give personalized gifts it's within your throw. Especially in times like these not too early to start start shopping for for holidays is a nice


Chris Harris  47:08

little stocking stuffer.


Ryan McDevitt  47:10

My mother in law say something about Christmas gifts the other day and it just like is noise escapes me that like you know the summer will come to an end. It will be that time. So anyway, thanks for joining us today. We really appreciate you taking time out of your evening. And we'll be back at you soon. I


Jenna Righi  47:29

thank you guys a pleasure was all mine anything you know, like I just want to get it out there anybody that I could help again. I mean, that's everything to me. So thank you so much for your time. I greatly appreciate it.


Ryan McDevitt  47:39

very enlightening.