Dec 17, 2019
Graham Polakoff has spent almost all of his early adult years in clinical care. After studying to become a physical therapist, physicians assistant, working with spinal cord injuries and discovering the very real limitations of American health care practices. This episode is filled with more than just golf swings and stretching - it's more about creating something new, while battling conventional wisdom of both the system and athlete knowledge.
Fast forward to 2019, Polakoff now owns a functional movement gym called Omni Kinetics in Birmingham, Michigan and has changed the way that he approaches his athletes entirely. Although his very popular holistic health care center now targets golfers and is based around the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), the standard in lifelong golf excellence. Mike & McD focus on the effects of change and how that leads to happy, healthy relationships in Graham's clients and the people he works with.
One more thing... this episode is recorded in a special place, the Ferndale Den, where Graham and Ryan spent the latter part of their twenties while dreaming of accomplishments that couldn't even be imagined. Be sure to follow us on instagram, spotify or apple podcasts.